Gilbert House Fellowship #2 – Genesis 3-4

When is a serpent not a serpent? Randall and Stacy Harp of Bible News Radio join Derek to discuss chapters 3 and 4 of the Book of Genesis.

We discuss the nachash, which, we learn this morning, was a supernatural being, possibly with a shining, serpentine appearance. That’s what tempted Adam and Eve into disobeying God’s clear instruction to eat of any tree in the Garden of Eden except for “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”.

Wasn’t that Satan? Well, yes, but with two footnotes. First, in the Old Testament, “satan” is almost never used without the definite article “the”, as in “the satan” — which is a title or job description (“the accuser” or “the prosecuting attorney”) rather than a proper name. Second, Satan is not linked to the nachash in the Bible anywhere until the Book of Revelation.

Also: The Fall and its consequences, the first murder on Earth, and the arrogance of Cain and his descendant, Lamech.

Click here to see Dr. Michael Heiser’s video presentation “What Happened in the Garden?”

Be sure to join us on Facebook to discuss the gatherings, Bible Study, and any and all topics!

Note: Derek missed the big START button at the beginning of the program which is why the video begins abruptly in the middle of Randall’s opening prayer. We apologize for the technological clumsiness.


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  1. Gen 4:24, against forgiving, what Jesus said, to forgive 7 x 70 times

  2. I have heard many stories why Cain’s sacrifice was rejected… wrong type…i.e blood required; not offered best….etc etc.
    When you dont guess and let the bible answer it’s simple…
    1) NIV Gen. 4:6-7 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast?
    If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but  must rule over it. ”


     2) 1John 3:12 not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother. And for the sake of what did he slaughter him? Because his own works were wicked, but those of his brother [were] righteous.
    Hence you dont need external ref. Imposed on scripture. Cain’s works were wicked. He was up to no good before the offering, hence God rejected his offering and told him to turn to doing what is right and proper. Then it would go alright for him.
    Same for us. If we are doing sinful things our offerings are not acceptable to God, until we stop doing bad and turn to do what is good in God’s eyes.

  3. The obvious reason God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, to me, has always been that he did not offer a slain lamb, which Abel did, pointing to the slain Lamb to come, Jesus Christ. Cain became angry when God rejected his offering. He obviously had known better as both he and Abel had more than likely been taught the correct sacrifice to bring. Cain wanted the work of his hands accepted and God could not and cannot do that. Our faith must be in the finished work of Christ, and that alone, for our salvation.

    1. Many sacrifices were called for and acceptable to God as being the works of the hands. Grain sacrifice, first fruits etc.
      Many times in scripture God tells us he only accepts our best efforts and rejects anything less.

      And why in the Prodigal Son parable did it tell BOTH sons to work hard.

      However regarding the other workers in the house. it did not matter how hard they worked, the could not gain the benefits offered to the Sons.
      Christ sacrifice allows us to be adopted sons. Hence we can gain those benefits.
      Question. what happens to Lazy Sons?

  4. In the course of time…this tells me it was not the firstfruits that Cain offered. It was an older product of the ground,

  5. I don’t think God imputed sin to Cain because it was before the law.
    I think Lamech, in his hubris, gave himself permission to be absolved as well.
    When people began to call upon the Lord, I think it meant people began to profane the Lord.

  6. The mark of Cain: Jews believe it was the letter “tav”, which looks like the cross

  7. My bible tells me that it was not an apple through which Eve submitted. Cain, is not listed in Adam’s geneology (different from Adam’s). Cain was the conceived son of devil – John 8. How about that.
    And Genesis Chap. 1 … male and female he created them…Genesis 2 God made a helper for Adam… It was through this blood Christ became our Savior. I believe these are two truths, among many, churches do not teach

    1. Author

      Hi, Pat: You are correct, the Bible doesn’t say anywhere that it was an apple.

      However, scripture is clear that Cain was the son of Adam. Genesis 4:1:

      Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.”

  8. Abel brought his “first fruits”

  9. I am taking a break from Unraveling Revelation for just a minute to ask a question probably asked thousands of time. Where did Cain’s wife come from? A sister conceived by Eve over her 800 years…or something more sinister than that. Thank you and God bless,

    1. Author

      Hi, Julia: According to Genesis 5:4, Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters. The Bible isn’t explicit, but presumably Cain’s wife was one of his sisters.

  10. I once read, the difference between Cain and Abel was, Cain brought vegetables, and for Abel’s offering blood was shed.
    But in the Temple there were grain offerings.

    Then I thought: Okay, one “invented”, and the other one was the plagiator.
    But: Cain was the first. He probably was the first in history bringing offerings. Abel “also brought an offering”, he was the second.

    After reading the text carefully, I discovered:

    • Cain obviously offered the remainder. I guess he calculated the necessity for the next year until the next harvest, maybe plus some extra, and the very rest (maybe dowdy) was for the Lord.
    • Abel brought from the firstborn of the flock. NIV even emphasizes “fat portions”. Of course, one can counter, the fat is not so suited for human consumption. Lev 3:15 says “All the fat is the Lord’s”. Nevertheless there is an emphasis on the fat.
    As for me I focus on the firstborn.
    See also Prov. 3:9, Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops, and v. 10: then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over with new wine.

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